Porta hepatis lymphadenopathy

Case contributed by Satish Kumar Gupta
Diagnosis almost certain


Multiple discrete lymph nodes found at porta hepatis on ultrasound in a young adult suffering from fever for more than one month.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Upper abdominal scan


Multiple discrete lymph nodes are seen at porta hepatis. Lymph nodes vary in size from 1 to 2.5 cm in size.

Case Discussion

Multiple discrete lymph nodes varying from 1 to 2.5 cm were detected in a young adult suffering from fever for over a month. Fever spiked in the evening with episodes of night sweats. Associated symptoms included loss of appetite and weight loss of about 2 kg in the preceding month. However, the patient had no jaundice. Ultrasound of other organs, including the liver, was unremarkable. ESR was found to be raised to 75 mm in the first hour by the Westergren method. Liver function tests were normal.

The patient improved on empirical antitubercular treatment. Lymph nodes at the porta hepatis regressed within 2 months. In regions where the disease is endemic, tuberculosis is an important cause of lymphadenopathy at porta hepatis, and empirical antitubercular treatment can be considered after discussion with patient 1.

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