Sigmoid volvulus

Case contributed by Tariq Walizai
Diagnosis certain


Abdominal pain for 4 days followed by abdominal distension for one day.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

There is twisting of sigmoid colon and its mesentery at the point of obstruction with retro-grade gross dilatation of the sigmoid and proximal large intestines, measuring up to 10.4 cm in maximum diameter at the level of descending colon which is best appreciated on the coronal images. Mild mesenteric edema is noted. No CT evidence of underlying mass lesion is seen.

No air-fluid level is seen.

Prostate gland is enlarged in size.

Intraoperative photo


Surgical findings confirmed sigmoid volvulus with resultant marked dilatation of sigmoid and proximal large intestine.

Case Discussion

CT features and surgical findings are of sigmoid volvulus.

Co-contributor Dr Mohammad Amin Yamal surgical oncologist, general and laparoscopic surgeon, Aliabad teaching Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan.

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