Distal radial fracture - pediatric

Case contributed by Kevan English
Diagnosis certain


Right wrist swelling and pain following a fall from a trampoline.

Patient Data

Age: 7 years
Gender: Male

There is an acute fracture of the distal radial diaphysis/metadiaphysis. There is an additional acute buckle fracture of the distal ulna. There are ossific densities projecting over the distal ulnar growth plate which may represent irregular ossification.

Joint spaces are maintained.

No suspicious osseous lytic or blastic lesions.

Mild soft tissue edema about the wrist.

Case Discussion

This represents a case of a distal radial fracture in a pediatric patient.

The treatment plan included a short-arm cast to the right upper extremity and orthopedic follow-up after 4-weeks.

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