Dentigerous cyst

Case contributed by Reem Nazeer Ali AbdulJabbar
Diagnosis almost certain


Epistaxis and left facial pain.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

The left maxillary alveolar process shows a large well-defined expansile unilocular cyst, protruding into and occupying most of the left maxillary sinus, mildly expanding it. It is reaching and obliterating the left osteomeatal complex.

An unerupted tooth is seen related to its anterior aspect.

The lesion is associated with bony remodeling, cortical thinning and bony resorption of the left buccal cortex with mild surrounding fat stranding.

Case Discussion

A well-defined unilocular cyst surrounding the crown of an unerupted suggest dentigerous cyst.

On further inquiry the patient had been complaining from his left maxillary region for many years and subsequently extracted some of his left upper teeth as can be observed in the above images. However he was concerned about the new onset of epistaxis and thus sought medical attention.

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