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Stylohyoid ligament ossification

Case contributed by Matt Skalski
Diagnosis certain


Radicular pain down the left arm to the thumb.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

There is prolific ossification of the styloidhyoid ligaments, worse on the right. A focally thickened area within this ossifcation is observed on the right as well, where the end of the normal styloid would be expected. A nuchal ossification is also noted in addition to the mild degenerative changes. 


The ossified stylohyoid ligaments are outlined. 

Case Discussion

There is prolific ossification of the stylohyoid ligaments, worse on the right. A focally thickened area within this ossification is also observed on the right, presumably due to ongoing motion at the normal styloid/ligament junction. When prolific ossification of the stylohyoid ligaments is observed, it should prompt the observer to enquire about possible clinical symptoms related to Eagle syndrome

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