Left upper lobe collapse

Case contributed by Abdallah Al Khateeb
Diagnosis almost certain


Cough and haemoptysis. Heavy smoker.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

Increased opacity overlying the left upper and middle zones of the left hemithorax.

Left side volume loss.

Linear vertical lucency outlining the aortic arch and the lateral border of the descending aorta.

Upward migration and peaking of the left hemidiaphragm.

Leftward deviation of the trachea.


Large left hilar soft tissue mass causing total obstruction of the left upper lobe bronchus near its origin, with resulting left upper lobe collapse. 

Case Discussion

The frontal X-ray in this case shows features of left upper lobe collapse. It shows nicely the Luftsichel sign and the juxtaphrenic peak sign. CT scan usually helps identify the cause of lobar collapse and the central mass seen in this case explains the collapse, and is most likely lung cancer.

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