Sialolithiasis - submandibular gland

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Left submandibular gland recurrent pain and swelling for the last few months.

Patient Data

Age: 10 years
Gender: Male

The left submandibular gland shows enlargement, dilated intraglandular ducts, and hypervascularity. There is no parenchymal mass lesion. The distal end of the left submandibular duct shows an echogenic focus with acoustic shadowing. There are few tiny echogenic foci ( < 2 mm ) in the dilated duct without acoustic shadowing. The maximum diameter of the duct is 8 mm. 

Superficial lobes of both parotid glands show normal or mildly smaller size. There is a presence of tiny hypoechoic foci in both glands. There is no hypervascularity. These changes probably represent chronic inflammation.

Both sublingual glands show a normal echopattern.

There are few subcentimeter sized ovoid nodes at the left level I and II.

The rest of the neck examination was normal.

Case Discussion

The case shows submandibular duct sialolithiasis with secondary submandibular sialadenitis.

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