Large traumatic subgaleal hematoma and cervical spine fracture

Case contributed by Bálint Botz
Diagnosis certain


Hit by a falling metal pole at construction site, wearing safety helmet, which was broken by the impact. Bleeding scalp injury. Alert, presents with GCS 15 and no focal neurological deficit.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male
  • Scan done in C-spine collar: nondisplaced C3 left posterior arch oblique fracture extending to the spinous process. Clearance NOT allowed. 
  • Large subgaleal inhomogeneous hematoma partially depicted around the vertex, warranting urgent management and debridement. 
  • No IC bleeding or skull fracture. 

Case Discussion

Extensive soft tissue injury at the impact site, while relatively distant cervical spinal fracture due to the transmitted force. 

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