Escherichia coli urinary tract infection

Case contributed by Matthew Tse
Diagnosis certain


2 days right iliac fossa pain, CRP 73. Ongoing fertility therapy, pregnancy test negative. US normal ?gallstones ?appendicitis

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female



Subtle stranding around the proximal right ureter, with subtle urothelial thickening and enhancement. No ureteric calculi, or soft tissue filling defects within the ureter. No hydronephrosis or hydroureter. A small 2 mm calcific focus within right kidney, may represent a non-obstructing caliceal calculus, or possibly focus of parenchymal calcification, no other focus of calcification within the kidneys. No significant perinephric stranding. No perinephric collection. Normal enhancement of the renal parenchyma bilaterally.

Annotated axial CT image

Annotated image

This image highlights the subtle fat stranding around the right proximal ureter, compared with the normal left side.

Case Discussion

Urine culture subsequently demonstrated significant growth of Escherichia coli. The clinical team did not initially suspect urinary tract infection.

This case highlights importance of identifying subtle stranding, comparing with a contralateral sign to assess for asymmetry can be useful, as was seen in this case.

It is important to assess for associated complications as well, in this case there were multiple important negatives.

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