Disuse osteopenia

Case contributed by Servet Kahveci
Diagnosis certain


Foot swelling and pain, history of 5th metatarsal fracture about 3 months ago

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

Initial XR study in patient...


Initial XR study in patient with foot trauma

Slightly displaced oblique fracture through the 5th metatarsal shaft and reaching the proximal articular surface. 

3 months post-injury


Diffuse osteopenia involving the ankle and foot bones particularly prominent around the joints. Joint spaces maintained. Old fracture seen on 5th metatarsal bone.

Case Discussion

Disuse osteopenia is a cause of regional osteopenia describes regional decrease in bone mineral density, secondary to immobilisation of affected extremity. Common causes include fractures, neuromuscular diseases, arthritis and voluntary inactivity/sedentary lifestyle.

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