Vaginal squamous cell carcinoma

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Vaginal bleeding.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

There is an irregular circumferential thickening of the vaginal wall of intermediate signal on T1, intermediate to slight high signal on T2 with restricted diffusion and heterogeneous enhancement on postcontrast sequences. Its upper limit is in contact with the external os with no endocervical extension. Obliteration of the intervesicovaginal fatty interface with probable involvement of the posterior bladder wall well-visualized on T2 sequences. Obliteration of the rectovaginal fatty interface with no apparent involvement of the anterior rectal wall. Bilateral iliac and inguinal lymphadenopathy.

Case Discussion

MRI features of irregular circumferential thickening of the vaginal wall a probable involvement of the bladder wall with iliac and inguinal metastatic lymphadenopathy, histologically proven as a squamous cell carcinoma (stage IVa according to FIGO staging system).

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