
Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis certain


Abdominal pain with palpable masses.

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male

There is a lobulated right suprarenal mass, measuring 75 x 65 x 60 mm, containing stippled calcifications and areas of necrosis with heterogeneous enhancement on post-contrast images. There is a retrocaval extension displacing the IVC and right renal vessels anteriorly. A mass effect is noted on the right hepatic lobe which is displaced superiorly and right kidney inferiorly with minimal perirenal free fluid. Multiple necrotic and non-necrotic intra-and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy encasing partially the adjacent vessels. No evidence of intraspinal extension. Normal appearance of the left adrenal gland.

Moderate splenomegaly (long axis = 10 cm)

Minimal right pleural effusion with no lung metastasis (lung window not shown).

No bone metastasis on bone window (not shown).

Case Discussion

The CT features are most consistent with neuroblastoma which was subsequently histologically proved. 

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