Endometrial carcinoma

Case contributed by Michael Burns
Diagnosis certain


Presented with anemia, history of rectal bleeding, and a positive FIT test. 75 pound weight loss in a year. Urge incontinence.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Female

The uterus is enlarged, measuring 8.5 cm AP, 13.5 cm transverse, and 20 cm


There is a 6.1 x 6.2 x 14.7 mass centered within the cervix and extending into

Uterine biopsy pathology report

Uterine curettage:
Final diagnosis - High-grade  p53 mutation adenocarcinoma, consistent with serous carcinoma


All of the sections are similar. They show a high-grade adenocarcinoma composed of
irregular nests and cords of malignant cells with marked nuclear pleomorphism, prominent
mitotic activity, and large areas of tumor necrosis. There is some glandular and
micropapillary differentiation.

Immunostain profile:
p53 -strong diffuse positive nuclear staining
ERS- negative
WT1 - negative
p16, Napsin A, p504s - negative

This staining profile supports a diagnosis of serous carcinoma.

Case Discussion

The CT and MR findings suggest an endometrial cancer with spread to the cervix. There is local invasion of the ureters with bilateral hydronephrosis. The biopsy showed uterine serous carcinoma.

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