Forgotten double-J stent and renal pelvis calculus

Case contributed by Mohamed Mahmoud Elthokapy
Diagnosis certain


Left loin pain, dysuria, and haematuria. History of left pyelolithotomy 3 years ago for calculus with stent placement, yet no follow up and neglected care.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

Multiple linear coiled hyperdense structures of various sizes within the left renal pelvic collecting system and the urinary bladder corresponds to broken fragments of a neglected double J stent.

There is a hyperdense calculus measuring 2.5x1.3 cm and about 965 HU dense in the left renal pelvis causing mild dilatation of the left pelvic collecting system.

Several left renal lower pole calyceal small stones are also noted of average 2-3 mm in diameter.

Mild fullness of the left ureter is also noted.

Case Discussion

The patient gave a past medical history of left renal stone for which he underwent left pyelolithotomy with double-J stent insertion.

Generally, stents are left for 3-6 months in conditions like obstructive uropathy to maintain the free passage of urine from the kidney to the bladder. If long term stents are required regular replacement is required.

This patient didn't come for follow up until he had symptoms of forgotten double J stent and also develop a new calculus secondary to pyelectasis and stagnation.

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