Right MCA infarct and decompressive craniectomy

Case contributed by Mohamed Mahmoud Elthokapy
Diagnosis certain


Acute onset of left hemiplegia and aphasia as well as disturbed consciousness then admitted to ICU after craniectomy operation was done.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Right parieto-temporal infarction with gangliocapsular involvement.

There are post-operative changes related to right large decompressive fronto-temporo-parietal craniectomy with a large bone defect, abundant external herniation of large infarcted brain parenchymal tissue as well as dural covering, and subdural hypodense collection.

No midline shift nor sub-falcine herniation

Preserved size of the right lateral ventricle. 

Case Discussion

If done early enough, decompressive craniectomy can be effective in preventing morbidity and mortality secondary to brain swelling in acute cerebral infarction.

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