Acquired "wandering ovary" following hysterectomy

Case contributed by Jeannine Ruby , 11 May 2022
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Yaïr Glick, 31 May 2022
Disclosures - updated 4 May 2022: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Diagnostic Certainty was set to .
Body was changed:

The case is most suggestive of an acquired ectopic ovary.  The ovary is noted to be on a long vascular pedicle and is therefore potentially at increased risk for ovarian torsion.

Three months prior to this presentation, the patient underwent a hysterectomy. Normal ovaries were identified intraoperatively. This case may represent a right ovary that became mobile following hysterectomy, suggestive of an iatrogenic "wandering ovary".

  • -<p>The case is most suggestive of an acquired ectopic ovary.  The ovary is noted to be on a long vascular pedicle and is potentially at increased risk for ovarian torsion.</p><p>Three months prior to this presentation, the patient underwent a hysterectomy. Normal ovaries were identified intraoperatively. This case may represent a right ovary that became mobile following hysterectomy, suggestive of an iatrogenic "wandering ovary".</p>
  • +<p>The case is most suggestive of an acquired <a title="Ectopic ovary" href="/articles/ectopic-ovary">ectopic ovary</a>.  The ovary is noted to be on a long vascular pedicle and is therefore potentially at increased risk for <a title="Ovarian torsion" href="/articles/ovarian-torsion">ovarian torsion</a>.</p><p>Three months prior to this presentation, the patient underwent a <a title="Hysterectomy" href="/articles/hysterectomy">hysterectomy</a>. Normal ovaries were identified intraoperatively. This case may represent a right ovary that became mobile following hysterectomy, suggestive of an iatrogenic "wandering ovary".</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is an oval soft tissue mass containing multiple cysts in the right upper quadrant. The cysts are T1-weighted hypointense and T2-weighted hyperintense. On Axialשxial series, one of the cyst appears partially collapsed and its walls are hyperenhancing.

On Coronalבoronal series, the uterus is surgically absent and a left ovary is present.

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