Acute appendicitis

Case contributed by Mohammad Salem Amer , 20 Feb 2024
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Liz Silverstone, 21 Feb 2024
Disclosures - updated 6 Dec 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Dilated appendix with a maximum diameter of 12 mm showing a fluid-filled lumen with high attenuated secretions and thick enhanced walls. Minimal reactionary pelvic free fluid. No phlegmon or abscess formation. No evidence of perforation.

Diagnosis was made as acute appendicitis.

Otherwise, normal.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

This is a simple, straightforward case of non-complicated acute appendicitis in which the appendix shows a fluidmucus-filled distended lumen with highly attenuated mucous secretions. No evidence of phlegmon or abscess formation and no evidence of perforation.

  • -<p>This is a simple, straightforward case of non-complicated <a href="/articles/acute-appendicitis-2" title="Acute appendicitis">acute appendicitis</a> in which the appendix shows a fluid-filled distended lumen with highly attenuated mucous secretions. No evidence of <a href="/articles/phlegmon-1" title="Phlegmon">phlegmon</a> or <a href="/articles/appendicular-abscess" title="Appendicular abscess">abscess</a> formation and no evidence of perforation.</p>
  • +<p>This is a simple, straightforward case of non-complicated <a href="/articles/acute-appendicitis-2" title="Acute appendicitis">acute appendicitis</a> in which the appendix shows a mucus-filled distended lumen. No evidence of <a href="/articles/phlegmon-1" title="Phlegmon">phlegmon</a> or <a href="/articles/appendicular-abscess" title="Appendicular abscess">abscess</a> formation and no evidence of perforation.</p>

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