Bacterial meningitis

Case contributed by Raihanah Haroon , 11 Jun 2021
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Bálint Botz, 19 Jun 2021

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Meningitis is defined as infection of the pia matter, arachnoid and adjacent CSF.

CanIt can be divided into pachymeningitis (infection of dura matter) or leptomeningitis (infection of pia matter, arachnoid and CSF).

PatientPatients often presentspresent with headache, stiff neck, confusion, disorientation with positive CSF analysis.

RoleThe role of imaging is to exclude parenchymal abscess, ventriculitis, localized empyema; evaluate PNS/ temporal bone as a source of infection and to monitor complications.

Complications include cerebritis, ventriculitis, brain atrophy, brain infarction, subdural effusion, hydrocephalus & cranial nerve dysfunction.

Hydrocephalus in meningitis is caused by cellular debris blocking the foramen of Monro, aqueduct, 4th ventricular outlet, or caused by intraventricular septa/ arachnoid adhesion.

  • -<p>Meningitis is defined as infection of the pia matter, arachnoid and adjacent CSF.</p><p>Can be divided into pachymeningitis (infection of dura matter) or leptomeningitis (infection of pia matter, arachnoid and CSF).</p><p>Patient often presents with headache, stiff neck, confusion, disorientation with positive CSF analysis.</p><p>Role of imaging is to exclude parenchymal abscess, ventriculitis, localized empyema; evaluate PNS/ temporal bone as a source of infection and to monitor complications.</p><p>Complications include cerebritis, ventriculitis, brain atrophy, brain infarction, subdural effusion, hydrocephalus &amp; cranial nerve dysfunction.</p><p>Hydrocephalus in meningitis is caused by cellular debris blocking foramen of Monro, aqueduct, 4th ventricular outlet or caused by intraventricular septa/ arachnoid adhesion.</p>
  • +<p>Meningitis is defined as infection of the pia matter, arachnoid and adjacent CSF.</p><p>It can be divided into pachymeningitis (infection of dura matter) or leptomeningitis (infection of pia matter, arachnoid and CSF).</p><p>Patients often present with headache, stiff neck, confusion, disorientation with positive CSF analysis.</p><p>The role of imaging is to exclude parenchymal abscess, ventriculitis, localized empyema; evaluate PNS/ temporal bone as a source of infection and to monitor complications.</p><p>Complications include cerebritis, ventriculitis, brain atrophy, brain infarction, subdural effusion, hydrocephalus &amp; cranial nerve dysfunction.</p><p>Hydrocephalus in meningitis is caused by cellular debris blocking the foramen of Monro, aqueduct, 4th ventricular outlet, or caused by intraventricular septa/ arachnoid adhesion.</p>

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