Basal ganglia hemorrhage

Case contributed by Mark Rodrigues , 5 Mar 2018
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mark Rodrigues, 5 Mar 2018

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Findings was changed:

Large left sided intracerebral haematoma.  It involves both deep (basal ganglia) and lobar (frontal and temporal lobes) structures.  Its epicentre is within the right basal ganglia. The haemorrhage extends into the intraventricular space.

There is significant mass effect relating to the haematoma and perihaematomal white matter oedema causing midline shift, compression of the third ventricle and partial effacement of ipsilateral cortical sulci. The temporal horns of the lateral ventricules are dilated in keeping wtihwith hydrocephalus.

Mild generalised cerebral volume loss. Mild periventricular low attenuation in keeping with small vessel change.

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