Bladder diverticula due to prostate enlargement

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis almost certain


Frequency of micturition. Poor urinary stream with hesitancy.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

The prostate gland is markedly enlarged, measuring about 44 x 52 x 56 mm and 68 cc volume.

Hypertrophy of the median lobe of the prostate gland, measuring approximately 25 x 35 mm, protruding into the base of the urinary bladder, creating a heart-shaped appearance.

The urinary bladder wall showed irregular thickening accompanied by trabeculation and pseudodiverticulosis.

Two large bladder diverticula with a small neck are on the left lateral and posterior walls of the urinary bladder without evidence of stone or soft tissue mass lesions.

The post-voiding residue, including urine within the diverticula and urinary bladder, was approximately 909 cc, markedly increased.

Case Discussion

Urinary bladder diverticula are commonly associated with chronic outflow obstruction, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia in elderly men.

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