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Bilateral duplex kidneys and collecting system

Case contributed by Dominic Hanson
Diagnosis certain


The patient presented for cystoscopy and incision of right ureterocele following renal colic secondary to bilateral duplex kidneys and collecting system.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

Bilateral duplex kidneys with duplicated ureters.

Hydronephrosis of the right upper pole moiety.

Dilated right upper moiety ureter.

Right ureterocele.

The patient was lost to follow-up after an emergency department presentation for renal colic with a background of recurrent urinary tract infections, where bilateral duplex kidneys and collecting system were found on a CT scan of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.

This CT intravenous pyelogram was performed for up-to-date imaging for operative planning.

The patient had no other past medical history and was on no regular medications.

Case Discussion

This case of bilateral duplex kidneys and collecting systems follows the anatomical variation as described by the Weigert-Meyer law.

The upper renal moiety ureter inserts medially and inferiorly to the lower renal ureter, and the lower renal moiety ureter inserts laterally and superiorly to the upper renal moiety ureter.

Note the ureterocele on the right side arising from the terminal ureter of the upper renal moiety.

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