Caroli disease with white pyramid sign

Case contributed by Ahmed A. Khawwam , 1 Oct 2020
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Ahmed A. Khawwam, 4 Oct 2020

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Non contrast study shows dense renal medulla with multiple hepatic cystic lesions which appears to be related to biliary tree

Post contrast study show enhancing central vessels within the described cystic lesions confirming relation to biliary tree 

Constellation of findings is highly suggestive of Caroli syndrome with medullary sponge kidney 

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

This case represents a well recognized association between caroli disease and medullary, medullary sponge kidney and medullary nephrocalcinosis 

  • -<p>This case represents a well recognized association between caroli disease and medullary sponge kidney and medullary nephrocalcinosis </p>
  • +<p>This case represents a well recognized association between caroli disease, medullary sponge kidney and medullary nephrocalcinosis </p>

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