Choledochal cyst - type Ic

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis almost certain


Recurrent abdominal pain.

Patient Data

Age: 7 years
Gender: Female

Cystic dilatation of the common hepatic, proximal, and mid-common bile ducts is noted (common hepatic duct 8.6 mm, common bile duct 9.6 mm).

The distal/terminal common bile duct is spared.

The right main hepatic duct is also mildly dilated, measuring approximately 6.6 mm. Distal intrahepatic biliary radicals are not dilated.

A calculus, measuring approximately 6 mm, is seen in the mid-common bile duct.

The gall bladder is distended with no obvious calculi, lesions, or wall thickening/pericholecystic oedema.

Normal morphology and signal intensity of the pancreas are observed. No peripancreatic collection/pseudocyst is seen.

The main pancreatic duct is grossly normal in course, calibre, and outlines. The confluence of the distal common bile duct and main pancreatic duct is not well visualised.

Case Discussion

Findings are suggestive of a choledochal cyst type Ic.

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