Coronary CTA (dual energy)

Case contributed by Joachim Feger
Diagnosis certain


Atypical chest pain. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy was negative but unable to exclude balanced 3-vessel CAD.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

Coronary CTA



  • patient premedication: beta blocker and nitrates

  • acquisition method: step and shoot (prospective acquisition)

  • contrast injection protocol: triphasic injection

  • image reconstruction with no edge correction


  • normal coronary origins and proximal courses

  • right coronary arterial dominance

Plaque burden:

  • calcium score (according to Agatson, not shown): 0

  • aortic wall calcification in the descending aorta

Right coronary artery (RCA): (gives rise to posterior descending artery)

Left main (LM): inconspicuous

Left anterior descending artery (LAD): (one diagonal branch)

  • no plaques or stenoses in the proximal, middle and distal segments

  • no plaques or stenoses of the diagonal branch (D1)

Ramus intermedius: thin, no plaques or stenoses

Circumflex artery (CX): (strong obtuse marginal branch, thin lateral segment with posterolateral branches)


  • normal coronary CT angiogram

  • no evidence of coronary stenosis or plaques - CAD-RADS 0

Exam courtesy: Silva Sölle & Yvonne Kirchner-Bock (radiographers)

Dual-energy analysis


MonoE 40

  • MonoE40 images are virtual monochromatic images synthesized at a level of 40 keV

  • the study here shows reconstructions in the standard reconstruction algorithm and with a sharp reconstruction algorithm (XCD) both displayed with a window setting C:800 W:2000

  • the sharp reconstruction algorithm XCD offers increased spatial resolution at the expense of more image noise

Conventional + MonoE 40 overlay

  • conventional images, reconstructed with a standard soft tissue filter and supplemented with a color-coded MonoE 40 overlay ranging from -200 to 1000 (C:400 W:1200)

Iodine no water + virtual non-contrast overlay

  • iodine no water images obtained by subtracting water from contrast-enhanced images with a color-coded virtual non-contrast overlay (VNC) ranging from -200 to 400 (C:100 W:600)

  • this setting can be nicely used to illustrate calcium


  • the effective atomic number Zeff calculated by dual-energy analysis

Case Discussion

A case of a normal coronary CTA with different dual-energy maps for viewing.

The absence of any luminal stenosis and plaques is consistent with a CAD-RADS 0 category. The patient was reassured and requires no further investigation for coronary artery disease 1.

The monoenergetic images reconstructed at a level of 40 keV are close to the iodine K-edge and can be used to increase iodine contrast attenuation 2,3.

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