Diffuse hepatocellular carcinoma with malignant portal vein thrombus

Case contributed by Mohamed Salah Ayyad , 22 Feb 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mohamed Salah Ayyad, 24 Feb 2023
Disclosures - updated 26 Jan 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:
  • Cirrhotic liver with an ill-defined lesion infiltrating most of the right lobe. On triphasic study, it shows enhancement in the arterial phase and washout in portal and delayed phases. The anterior and posterior branches of the right portal vein as well as the main portal vein trunk are thrombosed. The thrombus is seen extending to the splenic vein. The thrombus shows a similar pattern of enhancement and washout as the previously described hepatic infiltrative lesion suggesting tumoral thrombosis. No intra-hepatic or extra-hepatic biliary radicle dilatation.

  • Contracted GB with hyperdense stone.

  • Enlarged spleen measuring about 20 cm in span with dilated abdominal collaterals suggesting portal hypertension.

  • The right kidney is mal-rotated with mild hydro-ureteronephrosis.

  • Minimal peri-hepatic free fluid is noted.

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