Diverticulitis with bladder wall thickening

Case contributed by Jeremy Jones , 8 Jul 2011
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 17 Nov 2021

Updates to Case Attributes

Age changed from 55 to 55 years.
Body was changed:

The sigmoid colon is thickened and inflamed with peri-colinic fat stranding and some free fluid. The dome of the bladder has a thickened wall, but there is no gas within the bladder to suggest fistula formation. No perforation of local collection.

Conservative treatment with antibiotics and analgesia.

  • -<p>The sigmoid colon is thickened and inflamed with peri-colinic fat stranding and some free fluid.&#160; The dome of the bladder has a thickened wall, but there is no gas within the bladder to suggest fistula formation.&#160; No perforation of local collection.</p><p>Conservative treatment with antibiotics and analgesia.</p>
  • +<p>The sigmoid colon is thickened and inflamed with peri-colinic fat stranding and some free fluid.  The dome of the bladder has a thickened wall, but there is no gas within the bladder to suggest fistula formation.  No perforation of local collection.</p><p>Conservative treatment with antibiotics and analgesia.</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Acute uncomplicatedThickened sigmoid diverticulitiswith divertiula and pericolonic stranding.  No perforation.

Inflamed portion of sigmoid colon with thickening of the bladder wall at the dome, but no gas within the bladder.

Images Changes:

Image CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( update )

Description was removed:
Thickened sigmoid with divertiula and pericolonic stranding. No perforation.

Image CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( update )

Description was removed:
Inflamed portion of sigmoid colon with thickening of the bladder wall at the dome, but no gas within the bladder

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Non-specific bowel gas patter,pattern but no obstruction or perforation.

Images Changes:

Image X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

Description was removed:
Non-specific bowel gas

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