Dual rim sign (brain abscess)

Case contributed by Ayaz Hidayatov , 19 Aug 2017
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Khalid Alhusseiny, 20 Jun 2023
Disclosures - updated 18 Aug 2022: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Dual rim sign of brain(brain abscess)
Presentation was changed:
Young male with a severeSevere headache and seizures since 2 weeks. No past medical history.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Dual rim sign of brain abscess
Type was removed.
Visible changed from true to false.

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

Title was added:
Dual rim sign (brain abscess)
Slug was set to dual-rim-sign-brain-abscess.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 55113.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

MR demonstrates a well defined T1WI hypointense and T2WI hyperintense lesion in the left frontal subcortical white matter with extension to centrum semiovale, measured 40 x 37 x 34 mm. The lesion has a thick wall with dual rim sign best seen on T2WI, and is intensely enhancing on post contrast T1WI (ring enhancement). The lesion shows true restricted diffusion on DW images. There is marked perilesional edema.

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