Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) associated with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum

Case contributed by Ibraheem Mohammad AL-Boany , 7 Dec 2023
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Ibraheem Mohammad AL-Boany, 8 Dec 2023
Disclosures - updated 15 Sep 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
A young patient presented with long standing-standing epilepsy.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

The axial contrast-enhanced CT study shows a relatively well-demarcated cortically-based hypoattenuated lesion seen involving the lower posterior right frontal lobe, including the right inferior subcentral gyrus, without significant enhancement, mass effect or calcification. The study also shows features suggestive of corpus callosum agenesis.

Images Changes:

Image 24 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 7717 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - well-demarcated cortically-bas,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 38 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 7718 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to well-demarcated cortically-bas,2 arrows,1 label.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

The MRI study shows a well-demarcated cortically-based lesion which appears with hyperintense signal on T2WI, with bubbly appearance, and hypointense in T1WI without significant enhancement or mass effect. Thin hyperintense rim is seen in the FLAIR study. Subtle scalloping of the overlying cranial bone is seen denoting chronicity. Features of partial agenesis of the corpus callosum are also noted, manifested by complete absenceabsence of the body and splenium of the CC, with relative preservation of the genu and rostrum. The lateral ventricles show typical "racing car" appearance on the axial plane.

The differential diagnosis is between DNET and Low grade glioma, the imaging characteristics and presentation of the patient go more with the former.

Images Changes:

Image MRI (FLAIR) ( update )

Specifics was set to FLAIR.

Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Specifics was set to T2.

Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Specifics was set to T2.

Image MRI (T1 C+) ( update )

Specifics was set to T1 C+.

Image MRI (T1 C+) ( update )

Specifics was set to T1 C+.

Image 1 MRI (FLAIR) ( create )

Annotation 7719 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - Thin hyperintense rim ,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 15 MRI (T2) ( create )

Annotation 7721 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - bubbly appearance,1 arrow,1 label.

Image 15 MRI (T2) ( create )

Annotation 7722 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - bubbly appearance,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 15 MRI (T2) ( create )

Annotation 7723 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to bubbly appearance,,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 19 MRI (FLAIR) ( create )

Annotation 7720 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to Thin hyperintense rim ,1 arrow,1 label.

Image 19 MRI (T1 C+) ( create )

Annotation 7724 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to bsence of the body and spleniu,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 19 MRI (T2) ( create )

Annotation 7725 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to "racing car" appearance,2 arrows,1 label.

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