Elastofibroma dorsi

Case contributed by Ryan Thibodeau
Diagnosis almost certain


History of liposarcoma. PET/CT for evaluation of metastatic disease.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Male
Nuclear medicine

On the CT, there are bilateral, ill-defined soft tissue masses in the subscapular region. On several slices, fat can be seen interposing between the soft tissue densities. On the PET portion of the exam, there is increased radiotracer (FDG) uptake (axial, coronal, MIP) associated with these masses.

Case Discussion

This is a highly suspected case of elastofibroma dorsi, as demonstrated by the bilateral, irregular masses in the subscapular region associated with FDG avidity. This was an incidental finding and did not cause the patient any discomfort.

Guy Gechtman
Michael Cooley, MD

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