Episacral lipoma - "back mouse"

Case contributed by Nolan Walker , 3 Mar 2022
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Arlene Campos, 3 Apr 2024
Disclosures - updated 9 Jun 2023: Nothing to disclose

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References changed:

  • 1. Bicket M, Simmons C, Zheng Y. The Best-Laid Plans of "Back Mice" and Men: A Case Report and Literature Review of Episacroiliac Lipoma. Pain Physician. 2016;19(3):181-8. - <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27008292">Pubmed</a>
  • 2. Jensen and Degn. Back Mice Visualized Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Patient with Lumbar Back Pain. OMICS J Radiol 2019, 8:3. Available from: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access-pdfs/back-mice-visualized-using-magnetic-resonance-imaging-in-a-patient-with-lumbar-back-pain.pdf
  • Bicket M, Simmons C, Zheng Y. The Best-Laid Plans of "Back Mice" and Men: A Case Report and Literature Review of Episacroiliac Lipoma. Pain Physician. 2016;19(3):181-8. - <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27008292">Pubmed</a>
  • Jensen and Degn. Back Mice Visualized Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Patient with Lumbar Back Pain. OMICS J Radiol 2019, 8:3. Available from: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access-pdfs/back-mice-visualized-using-magnetic-resonance-imaging-in-a-patient-with-lumbar-back-pain.pdf

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