
Case contributed by Paresh K Desai , 30 Sep 2010
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Praveen Jha, 1 Oct 2015

Updates to Case Attributes

Diagnostic Certainty was set to .
Age was set to 45.
Gender was set to Female.
Body was changed:

Mid-line nasal mass with intracranial extension.

Extension into left orbit is seen with destructionFeatures favour diagnosis of lamina papyraceaesthesioneuroblastoma.

Intense enhancement on post gadolinium images,

  • -<p>Mid-line nasal mass with intracranial extension.</p><p>Extension into left orbit is seen with destruction of lamina papyracea</p><p>Intense enhancement on post gadolinium images,</p>
  • +<p>Features favour diagnosis of <a title="Esthesioneuroblastoma" href="/articles/olfactory-neuroblastoma">esthesioneuroblastoma</a>.</p>
Presentation was changed:
45 year old female with anosmia and nasal blockade since 2-3 months.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was added:

Markedly enhancing irregular midline mass epicentered at olfactory fossa extending intracranially and into nasal cavity.

Images Changes:

Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Perspective was set to Coronal.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Perspective was set to Axial.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image MRI (T1 C+ fat sat) ( update )

Perspective was set to Coronal.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

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