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Extramedullary haematopoiesis - presacral mass

Case contributed by Abanindu Thakur , 27 Aug 2021
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Yusra Sheikh, 28 Oct 2021

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
Patient was a known case ofPelvic pain and backache. Known thalassemia major, with history of repeated blood transfusions. She presented with pelvic pain and backache. Pelvic ultrasound revealed a pelvic mass, for which further imaging was undertaken.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Pelvic CT shows aA large, well-defined, presacral, inhomogeneous, multilobulated, soft tissue mass, arising from the anterior aspect of upper sacrum is identified. It displays increased attenuation (HU range : +70 to +95). Foci of calcification are seen within the lesion. Similar but smaller lobulated mass is also seen in the anterior part of lower sacrum. Osteopenia and accentuated trabecular pattern of the sacrum, without osseous destruction, is noted in the bone window images. 

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