Extramedullary intradural lipoma

Case contributed by Sanhita Shyam Pokle
Diagnosis almost certain


Low backache with intermittent paresthesia in both legs (left >> right)

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

MRI showing a well-defined oval lesion in the extramedullary and intradural space in the dorso-lumbar region, compressing and displacing the cord in the right lateral aspect with typical fat signal intensity.

No post-contrast enhancement noted.

No extradural extension noted. No abnormal cord signals or vertebral anomalies were noted.

Annotated image

The oval lesion in the extra-medullary and intradural space on the left lateral aspect of the cord, adjacent to the D12-L1 vertebra with distal extension along the dural space.

The lesion is a T1 hyperintense signal, a T2 heterogeneously hyperintense signal with signal drop on T1FS and STIR images and no post-contrast enhancement.

The lesion is pushing the cord right laterally.

Case Discussion

Typical findings of Intradural-extramedullary fat containing lesion (lipoma) illustrated through this case.

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