Eye trauma - post-penetrating injury repair

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio , 7 Mar 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Bruno Di Muzio, 5 Apr 2024
Disclosures - updated 10 Aug 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

The anterior chamber is slightly flattened in shape with reduced AP diameter. Low level internal echoes layer dependently in keeping with hyphemahyphaema.

The lens is abnormal, flattened and containing low level internal echoes. The ciliary body along the nasal aspect of the eye is deficient and there is direct communication between the anterior and posterior chambers.

The posteromedial wall of the globe is irregular in contour, site of rupture and repair.Low level internal echoes are present in the posteriorvitreous chamber. More solid appearing material is adherent to the posterior wall, likely blood clot.

Membrane extends from the ciliary body to the posteromedial wall of the globe, minimal after movements. Findings consistent with choroidal detachment.

No retinal detachment.

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Eye trauma - penetratingpost-penetrating injury repair
Body was added:

Case illustrating the role of eye ultrasound in the setting of post-penetrating globe injury repair.

  • +<p>Case illustrating the role of eye ultrasound in the setting of post-penetrating globe injury repair. </p>
Gender was set to Unknown.
Presentation was changed:
Penetrating injury to right eye with globe laceration and surgical repair. Assess for detachment.
Visibility changed from unlisted to public.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Eye trauma - penetrating injury
Type was removed.
Visible changed from true to false.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to eye-trauma-post-penetrating-injury.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 164013.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

Title was added:
Eye trauma - post-penetrating injury repair
Slug was set to eye-trauma-post-penetrating-injury-repair.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 164013.
Content Type was set to Case.

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