Facial process of the parotid gland

Case contributed by Solomon Njoroge Gachucha , 28 Mar 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Yaïr Glick, 3 Apr 2023
Disclosures - updated 4 May 2022: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Presentation was changed:
Bilateral non tender-tender cheek swellings in the first days of life.
Published At was set to 2023-04-03T18:33:02.364Z.
Body was changed:

This is a case of bilateral facial process of the parotid gland where bulk of the parotid tissue appears to be anteriorly positioned. Facial process is one of the anatomical variant anatomy of anterior protrusion of the parotid gland. Thegland has a continuous anterior extension over the anterior edge of the ramus of the mandible.

  • -<p>This is a case of bilateral facial process of the parotid gland where bulk of the parotid tissue appears to be anteriorly positioned. Facial process is one of the variant anatomy of anterior protrusion of the parotid gland. The gland has a continuous anterior extension over the anterior edge of the ramus of the mandible.</p>
  • +<p>This is a case of bilateral facial process of the parotid gland where bulk of the parotid tissue appears to be anteriorly positioned. Facial process is one anatomical variant of anterior protrusion of the parotid gland. The gland has a continuous anterior extension over the anterior edge of the ramus of the mandible.</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

No parotid tissue/lesions  noted/lesion in the pre-auricular regionsregion bilaterally.  Real-time ultrasound imaging reveals bilateral anterior protrusion of the parotid glands extending almost to the level of the nasal-labial foldfolds. Symmetry in terms of size and location of the glands is observed.

The glands exhibit predominantly homogenoushomogeneous echogenicity and are hyper-echoichyperechoic compared to the adjacent masseter muscles. No intra-parotid lymph nodes or masses noted. No inflammatory featuresin both glandseither gland.

Annotation 'Mandibular ramus' (on Image 1 (Ultrasound (Transverse))) is not linked from the findings
Annotation 'Mandibular ramus' (on Image 1 (Ultrasound (Transverse))) is not linked from the findings
Annotation 'PAROTID' (on Image 3 (Ultrasound (Coronal))) is not linked from the findings

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