Glaucoma drainage device

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod , 3 Oct 2021
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 17 Jul 2023
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

In view of past and recent recurrent trauma (syncope and fall) the following findings were found:

There is focal right prefrontal extracranial soft tissue swelling and acute subgaleal hematomahaematoma corresponding to site impact and fall during the current syncopal episode. The cranium is intact throughout.

Chronic non-united right posterior maxillary antral wall fracture and right inferior orbital blowout fracture. There is also a chronic left medial orbital blowout fracture with herniated orbital fat and no evidence of muscle or optic nerve entrapment.

There is a previous right zygomatic bone fracture and surgical repair thereof with the regional metallic artifact.

There is a previous left retrolental artificial lens implantation (cataract surgery).

There are bilateral glaucoma drainage devices in situ with calcification of the left-sided device.

The devices are within the left superonasal orbital quadrant and right superotemporal orbital quadrant.

There is incidental extensive extracranial vascular calcified atherosclerotic plaque.

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