Hepatic metastasis with tumor thrombus extending to the right atrium

Case contributed by Karen Machang'a , 5 Jan 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Raymond Chieng, 17 Jan 2023
Disclosures - updated 17 Aug 2022: Nothing to disclose

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The patientTumor markers was sent for tumor markerstaken and a liver biopsy was done for this patient.

TUMOUR MARKERS: AFP :1000 , Ca 125 :145 , Ca 19-9 :14.9 , CEA :1.5 , vitamin D :44 .


MACROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Four grey-brown cores of tissues longest measuring 1.5cm in length. All processed.

MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: sections show liver cores involved by malignant glandular tumor. The cells are large with pleomorphic nuclei and many mitoses. The tumor seems to bleed within surrounding hepatocytes.

IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY: Cytokeratin 7 - negative , cytokeratin 20 - positive , Villin - positive , Hepar - negative.

DIAGNOSIS: Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.

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