Hip arthrogram injection (fluoroscopic guided)

Case contributed by Dai Roberts , 8 Jan 2020
Diagnosis not applicable
Changed by Dai Roberts, 4 Apr 2020

Updates to Study Attributes

Modality changed from to Fluoroscopy.
Caption was added:
Arthrogram injection pre MRI
Findings was added:

Arthrogram solution containing iodinated contrast distends the hip joint.  The needle has been removed.

Images Changes:

Image 1 Fluoroscopy (Frontal) ( create )

Updates to Study Attributes

Caption was added:
Arthrogram injection pre MRI
Findings was changed:

Technically successful right hip fluoroscopic-guided arthrogram injection. Contrast flows freely and distends head neck aspect ofinto the hip joint at the level of the head-neck junction. ​An oblique needle approach used with a 22G 90mm Quincke needle.  

Images Changes:

Image Fluoroscopy (Frontal) ( update )

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Image Fluoroscopy (Frontal) ( update )

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Perspective was set to Frontal.

Image 1 Fluoroscopy (Frontal) ( create )

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was removed:

An oblique needle approach used with a 22G 90mm Quincke needle.  Iodinated contrast confirms an intra-articular needle tip position.  

Caption was added:
Modality was removed.
Images Changes:

Image ( destroy )

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Image ( destroy )

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Description was added:
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Image ( destroy )

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Filename was removed.
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Description was added:
Perspective was removed.
Content Type was removed.
Contributor was set to .
Thumbnail Files was removed.
Original Filename was set to .
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was changed:
Yes. The needle tip is within the joint and contrast extends to surround the superior head-neck junction of the hip joint.

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