Ileal adenocarcinoma causing proximal bowel obstruction

Case contributed by Avni K P Skandhan , 22 Oct 2013
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Vikas Shah, 14 Jan 2019

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Post operative histopathological diagnosis was of ileal adenocarcinoma.

Small bowel adenocarcinoma areis relatively rare as compared to the colonic adenocarcinoma. It predominantly involves the duodenum, the jejunum and lastlyjejunum, with the ileum less frequently involved.

  • -<p>Post operative histopathological diagnosis was of ileal adenocarcinoma.</p><p>Small bowel adenocarcinoma are relatively rare as compared to the colonic adenocarcinoma. It predominantly involves the duodenum, the jejunum and lastly the ileum. </p>
  • +<p>Post operative histopathological diagnosis was of ileal adenocarcinoma.</p><p>Small bowel adenocarcinoma is relatively rare compared to colonic adenocarcinoma. It predominantly involves the duodenum and jejunum, with the ileum less frequently involved.</p>

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