Interlobar loculated pneumothorax

Case contributed by Domenico Nicoletti , 9 Jan 2024
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 11 Jan 2024
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Chest X ray

The radiographic study of the chest, the anteroposterior projection, particularly the lateral one, shows an air-filled cystic lesion, delimited by thin and sclerotic walls, in the central part of the right lung. There are no other types of lesions or pleural effusion. The mediastinum is on the axis, the volume is within limits.

Caption was added:
Chest X ray
Images Changes:

Image X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

Cropped image

Image X-ray (Lateral) ( update )

Cropped image

Image 1 X-ray (Frontal) ( destroy )

Annotation 9639 changed from anteroposterior projection, pa,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 1 X-ray (Lateral) ( destroy )

Annotation 9640 changed from lateral one, shows an air-fil,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 1 X-ray (Lateral) ( destroy )

Annotation 9635 changed from air-filled cystic lesion,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 1 X-ray (Lateral) ( destroy )

Annotation 9636 changed from lateral one, shows an air-fill,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 1 X-ray (Lateral) ( destroy )

Annotation 9637 changed from lateral one, shows an air-fil,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 1 X-ray (Lateral) ( create )

Annotation 9680 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - thin and sclerotic walls,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 1 X-ray (Frontal) ( create )

Annotation 9681 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - air-filled cystic lesion,2 arrows,1 label.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Chest CT without contrast

Axial chest CT images show a regularly shaped air-filled cystic lesion in the right lung, with an obtuse angle between the cystic wall and pleura (length ten cm and anterior-posterior diameter 4 cm). The top and bottom portion of the cystic lesion continues to the right major fissure. Sagittal CT images show the anteroinferior portion of the localized localised air-filled cystic lesion tapers into the right major fissure. Small apical blebs are also visible on the right. There are initial signs of centrilobular emphysema in the upper lobes. Mediastinum is normal.

Caption was added:
Chest CT without contrast
Images Changes:

Image CT (liver window) ( update )

Stack changed from 64393225 to 64393223.

Image CT (lung window) ( update )

Stack changed from 64404110 to 64404109.

Image 3 CT (lung window) ( update )

Position changed from 6 to 3.

Image 5 CT (lung window) ( update )

Position changed from 7 to 5.

Image 40 CT (lung window) ( destroy )

Annotation 9634 changed from anteroinferior portion of the ,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 40 CT (lung window) ( create )

Annotation 9682 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - air-filled cystic lesion,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 48 CT (lung window) ( update )

Annotation 9633 changed from air-filled cystic lesion in th,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - air-filled cystic lesion,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 48 CT (lung window) ( destroy )

Annotation 9631 changed from air-filled cystic lesion in th,1 arrow,1 label to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

Spontaneousinterlobar pneumothorax is uncommon but early diagnosis can help prevent complications and improve outcomes. Chest X-ray is often diagnostic for a larger pneumothorax, but if the amount of air in the pleural space is minimal, a dedicated CT scan may be required for identification and to resolve diagnostic doubts on the chest radiological examination.

Case courtesy: Dr. Fabio Denicolò, Dr.ssa Eleonora Renzi

Radiographer:TSRM Fabio Imola

  • -<p>Spontaneous<a href="/articles/interlobar-pneumothorax" title=" interlobar pneumothorax "> interlobar pneumothorax </a>is uncommon but early diagnosis can help prevent complications and improve outcomes. Chest X-ray is often diagnostic for a larger pneumothorax, but if the amount of air in the pleural space is minimal, a dedicated CT scan may be required for identification and to resolve diagnostic doubts on the chest radiological examination.</p><p><br>Case courtesy: Dr. Fabio Denicolò, Dr.ssa Eleonora Renzi</p><p>Radiographer: TSRM Fabio Imola</p>
  • +<p>Spontaneous <a href="/articles/interlobar-pneumothorax" title=" interlobar pneumothorax ">interlobar pneumothorax</a> is uncommon but early diagnosis can help prevent complications and improve outcomes. Chest X-ray is often diagnostic for a larger pneumothorax, but if the amount of air in the pleural space is minimal, a dedicated CT scan may be required for identification and to resolve diagnostic doubts on the chest radiological examination.</p><p><br>Case courtesy: Dr. Fabio Denicolò, Dr.ssa Eleonora Renzi</p><p>Radiographer: TSRM Fabio Imola</p>

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