Intraarticular fracture of the glenoid cavity

Case contributed by Ashmitha Kumar
Diagnosis certain


Presented after a fall with pain and swelling over the left shoulder

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

Comminuted, minimally displaced, intra-articular fracture through the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The fracture line extends posteriorly and just medially towards the coracoid process of the scapula.

Minimally displaced fracture through the superior aspect of the body of the scapula. Minimally displaced fracture through the lateral aspect of the left clavicle. Dislocation of the left acromioclavicular joint (Rockwood type 4). The imaged lung is clear.

Case Discussion

The anatomy of the scapula and glenoid can be complex on routine plain radiographic imaging and can often be missed.

A CT is often recommended for any suspected glenoid fractures and is the gold standard for diagnosis.

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