Intrathoracic stomach

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Shortness of breath and recurrent chest infection.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male



A large retrocardiac opacity with air-fluid level and widening of subcarinal angle.

Absent stomach gas bubble in the upper abdomen.


A large hiatus hernia with a wide diaphragmatic defect. The stomach is entirely in an intrathoracic location posterior to the heart. It is indenting the left atrium and pushes the heart anteriorly.

After 6 months


Hernia size progressed.

Case Discussion

This is an advanced stage of hiatal hernia, in which the stomach is entirely located in the thoracic cavity. This may predispose to gastric volvulus which fortunately is not present in this case.

The patient presented again after 6 months to the cardiologist with exertional dyspnea. Echocardiography (not available) revealed compression upon the left atrium by the compression effect of the stomach and normal right atrium size. This is contrary to pericardial effusion pressure effect, at which the right atrium collapses first.

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