Ischemic bowel

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio , 8 Mar 2011
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ayla Al Kabbani, 20 Jan 2020

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is extensive small bowel dilatation with loops showing absent mural enhancement and mural gas (particularly in the jejunum).

The ascending colon appears thick-walled, up to the proximal transverse colon. Gas

Gas is also seen in the branches of the superior mesenteric vein, and peripherally in the liver.

Cavernous transformation of the portal vein. 

A small amount of free peritoneal fluid is present. 

There is evidence of prior pancreatic surgery with a mass seen in the surgical bed, encasing and occluding the superior mesenteric artery. 

Cavernous transformation of the portal vein. 

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was changed:
The superior mesenteric veinartery supplies all the small bowel (except for proximal duodenum), caecum, ascending colon and variable parts of the transverse colon (usually most of it). The inferior mesenteric artery supplies the descending colon, with collaterals linking the two territories near the splenic flexure.

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