Long head biceps tendinopathy

Case contributed by Heba Abdelmonem , 5 Jun 2018
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 2 Jul 2018

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Long head biceps tendonitistendinopathy
Presentation was changed:
Pain with tender biceps groove.
Body was changed:

Abnormally thickened LHBT with increased signal suggestive of Long head of biceps tendinopathy associated with minimal subcoracoid bursitis.

  • -<p>Abnormally thickened LHBT with increased signal suggestive of <a title="Long head of biceps tendinopathy" href="/articles/long-head-of-biceps-tendinopathy">Long head of biceps tendinopathy</a> associated with minimal subcoracoid bursitis.</p>
  • +<p>Abnormally thickened LHBT with increased signal suggestive of tendinopathy associated with minimal subcoracoid bursitis.</p>

Tags changed:

  • shoulder mri

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Abnormal thickening with diffuseincreased signal of the long head biceps tendon anchor (LHBT) well seen at the PD fat sat images. Minimal amount of fluid signal in the tendon sheath. Minimal filling of the subcoracoid bursa. Os acromiale also present with mild hyperintensity across the synchondrosis. 

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Long head biceps tendonitis
Type was removed.
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