Acute right sided hemiplegia and disturbed conscious level (time between onset of symptoms and imaging is unknown).
Patient Data
Age: 65 years old
Gender: Male
From the case:
Massive middle cerebral artery territory infarction
- extensive hypoattenuation of brain parenchyma in the whole left middle cerebral artery territory seen involving the left temporo-parieto-occipital regions
- cortical and subcortical in distribution, exerting mass effect in the form of effacement of the cortical gyri sulci ,midline shift and compression of the ipsilateral lateral ventricle
- the left middle cerebral artery is hyperdense
- multiple small lacunar infarcts are seen involving the right basal ganglia
- no evidence of intra-axial or extra-axial bleed or hematoma
Case Discussion
Left middle cerebral artery territory acute cerebral infarction.