Medial patellofemoral ligament avulsion injury

Case contributed by Joachim Feger , 4 Apr 2020
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Joachim Feger, 14 Apr 2020

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:


  • large, predominantly suprapatellar joint effusion

Intercondylar Region:

  • unremarkable anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments

Medial compartment:

  • unremarkable cartilage and medial meniscus
  • soft tissue oedema above the normal medial collateral ligament

Lateral compartment:

  • bone contusion at the anterolateral aspect of the lateral femoral condyle
  • unremarkable cartilage and lateral meniscus 
  • normal lateral collateral ligament and posterolateral corner

Patellofemoral compartment:

  • small osseous avulsion of the medial patella rim
  • thickened, oedematous medial patellofemoral ligament 
  • fluid extending into the vastus medialis myotendinous junction
  • shallow trochlear groove, lateral trochlear inclination (LTI) was borderline 11-12°


Typical findings of previous lateral patellar dislocation:

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