Mesenteric carcinoid tumor with hepatic metastases

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky , 27 Jul 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 17 May 2024
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2024: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

A mesenteric hyperenhancing lesion is seen in the umbilical region with internal coarse calcifications with speculated margins, perifocal stranding of the surrounding fat planes and intense arterial enhancement and slight venous as well as delayed washout characteristics.

Multiple enhancing metastatic focal hepatic lesions displaying washout in the delayed scans.

Multiple mesenteric, pre-aortic, precaval and porta hepatis lymph nodes, the largest is seen at the porta hepatis region.

Mural enhancement noted within are of the small bowel loops related to the mesenteric lesion.

Free intraperitoneal fluid collection with associated mesenteric congestion.

The liver is of average size, showing cirrhotic configurationwith irregular borders, suggestive of pseudocirrhosis.

Manifestations of portal hypertension seen as moderate splenomegaly, dilated portosystemic collaterals seen at the lower oesophageal, perisplenic and retroperitoneal regions as well as moderate ascites.

Images Changes:

Image 31 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 18878 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to enhancing metastatic lesions,3 arrows,1 label.

Image 31 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 18879 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to Free intraperitoneal fluid,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 31 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 18880 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to mesenteric enhancing lesion,2 arrows,1 label.

Image 47 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 18881 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to moderate splenomegaly,2 arrows,1 label.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

Patient with mesenteric carcinoid and pathologically proved hepatic metastases. This is a follow-up study after a year of treatment (the previous study was not uploaded).

SameThis is the same case (rID 52812), with a complete triphasic study.

  • -<p>Patient with <a href="/articles/carcinoid-tumour-2" title="Carcinoid tumour">mesenteric carcinoid</a> and pathologically proved <a href="/articles/hepatic-metastases-1" title="Hepatic metastases">hepatic metastases</a>. This is a follow-up study after a year of treatment (the previous study was not uploaded).</p><p></p><p>Same case (rID <a href="" title="52812">52812</a>)</p>
  • +<p>Patient with <a href="/articles/carcinoid-tumour-2" title="Carcinoid tumour">mesenteric carcinoid</a> and pathologically proved <a href="/articles/hepatic-metastases-1" title="Hepatic metastases">hepatic metastases</a>. This is a follow-up study after a year of treatment (the previous study was not uploaded).</p><p>This is the same case (rID <a href="" title="52812">52812</a>), with a complete triphasic study.</p>
Visibility changed from unlisted to public.

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