Mesenteric desmoid tumor

Case contributed by Jeremy Jones , 29 Aug 2011
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Mark Thurston, 1 Oct 2018

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Large left-sided abdominal mass with soft-tissue attenuation.

Images Changes:

Image CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( update )

Description was removed:
Large left-sided abdominal mass with soft-tissue attenuation.

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was changed:
Mesenteric desmoid, also called mesenteric fibromatosis, is the most likely diagnosis.

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was changed:
Benign mesenteric masses include lymphaniomaslymphangiomas and mesentric cysts, but neither fits the imaging characteristics. Lipoblastoma is a benign fatty mass that occurs in children and clearly isn't the cause here. Primary mesenchymal or stromal tumours of the mesentry resemble either retroperitoneal sarcomas (most commonly leiomyosarcoma) or GIST. Other masses include mesenteric desmoid, lipodystrophy (retractile mesenterisitis and mesenteric paniculitis), and lymphadenopathy.

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was changed:
Mesenteric desmoid is associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
Question was changed:
Given the likely diagnosis, what associations should be considered.?

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

Mesenteric desmoid tumours are are bland fibrous tumours that have an association with FAPfamilial adenomatous polyposis. In this case, there was no such association with confirmation of histology at percutaneous ultrasound-guided biopsy.

  • -<p><a href="/articles/mesenteric-desmoid" title="mesenteric desmoid">Mesenteric desmoid</a>&#160;are bland fibrous tumours that have an association with FAP. In this case, there was no such association with confirmation of histology at percutaneous ultrasound-guided biopsy.</p>
  • +<p><a title="Mesenteric desmoid tumour" href="/articles/mesenteric-desmoid-tumour">Mesenteric desmoid tumours</a> are bland fibrous tumours that have an association with <a title="Familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome" href="/articles/familial-adenomatous-polyposis-syndrome">familial adenomatous polyposis</a>. In this case, there was no such association with confirmation of histology at percutaneous ultrasound-guided biopsy.</p>
Age changed from 30 to 30 years.

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