Metastatic necrotic nodes - squamous cell carcinoma (unknown primary)

Case contributed by Sandeep Bhuta , 9 Aug 2010
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 2 Aug 2015

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Metastatic necrotic nodes from SCC - unknown: squamous cell carcinoma (unknown primary)
Body was changed:

This case demonstrates typically features of metastatic lymph nodes. 

  • -<br />
  • +<p>This case demonstrates typically features of metastatic lymph nodes. </p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was added:

Enlarged, round nodes with central hypodensity. 

Images Changes:

Image CT (C+ delayed) ( update )

Single Or Stack Root was set to .
Perspective was set to Axial.
Specifics was set to C+ delayed.
Description was removed:
Export 25188037

Image CT (C+ delayed) ( update )

Perspective was set to Axial.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .
Specifics changed from C+ portal venous phase to C+ delayed.
Description was removed:
Metastatic SCC Nodes

Image CT (non-contrast) ( update )

Perspective was set to Coronal.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .
Specifics changed from to non-contrast.
Description was removed:
Export 25188297

Image 2 CT (C+ delayed) ( update )

Position was set to .

Updates to Study Attributes

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