Abdominal pain.
Patient Data
Abdominal CT scan with IV contrast demonstrates a multilocular, thick-walled cystic mass in the pancreatic body and tail, accompanied by peripancreatic fat stranding.
Mild subhepatic and perisplenic fluids are seen.
Splenomegaly is also present.
A hypoechoic mixed cystic and solid lesion with irregular borders measuring 64 x 45 mm in the body and tail of the pancreas is seen.
Case Discussion
A CT guided biopsy was done.
Macroscopic examination:
Received 3.5 ml of bloody fluid and prepared 2 slides after centrifuge, two of them stained by PAP.
Received 0.5 ml of bloody fluid and prepared 2 slides after centrifuge, two of them stained by PAP.
Microscopic examination:
Cytologic examination of the specimen labeled pancreatic tail and body cystic fluid reveals a cellular smear containing some papillary architecture, three dimensional clusters of hyperchromatic cells, disordered mucinous epithelial clusters with nuclear overlap, and variable cytologic atypia.
Diagnosis: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.